Quick Facts
Project Budget: US$ 10.7 Million
Partner Entity:
Implementing Agencies: Ministry of Amerindian Affairs
Project Background and Summary
The Government of Guyana (GoG) has set the policy objective of addressing all Land Titling issues by 2015, for Amerindian villages where two thirds of the adult population request this to be done based on the principles of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC). Historically, high costs have been a barrier to achieving this policy objective. However, it is envisioned that with the allocation of funds from the GRIF under the Low Carbon Development Strategy, this objective can finally be realised.
1.1 Objectives:
In keeping with its objective of facilitating and fast tracking the Amerindian Land Titling process in Guyana within a three year framework, this project expects to
- a) Have land titles issued and demarcation process completed for all Amerindian villages that submit requests, including those that request extensions
- b) Strengthen existing mechanisms to deal with unresolved land issues
- c) Improve the communication and outreach efforts of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs.
1.2 Outcomes
The Amerindian Land Titling (ALT) Project seeks to enable Amerindians to secure their lands and natural resources with a view towards sustainable social and economic development. It is expected that titling and demarcation will strengthen land tenure security and the expansion of the asset base of Amerindians, thus enabling improved long term planning for their future development.
1.3 Activities
Activities under the Amerindian Land Titling Project (ALT) fall under three specific outputs:
- Output 1: Land titles issued and demarcation process completed for all Amerindian villages that submit requests
- Output 2: A mechanism in place for identifying and resolving land issues
- Output 3: A Revised Communication Strategy
The Ministry of Amerindian Affairs (MoAA) is responsible for executing Output 1 while the two remaining outputs are under the responsibility of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Guyana).
Activities under Output 1 are strategically organized to process requests for land titling and demarcation fairly and as expeditiously as possible, in compliance with the legal procedures and guidelines of the Amerindian Act N° 6 – 2006 of Guyana.
Some of the activities undertaken to achieve Output 1 include:
- – Consultative investigations with Amerindian communities requesting titling and extension of lands
- – Consultations with communities/villages for information purposes
- – Demarcation (introduction of surveyors via consultation with villages, cadastral surveys)
- – Technical meetings and research in collaboration with the project’s designated Senior Suppliers (mainly the MNRE, GGMC, GFC, GLSC) to facilitate the land titling and demarcation processes
1.4 Quick Facts
The Amerindian Land Titling Project Document was approved by the GRIF Steering Committee on October 10th 2013 and signed at the National Toshaos Council meeting at the Guyana International Conference Centre on October 21st 2013.
Implementing Partner (IP): Ministry of Amerindian Affairs (MoAA)
Partner Entity: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Guyana
The project will adhere to the social, environmental and fiduciary safeguards and standards of the Partner Entity (UNDP) and will always proceed under the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).
Project Budget: US$ 10.7 Million
The Amerindian Land Titling Project Management Unit
The Amerindian Land Titling Project Management Unit works on a daily basis to address Amerindian requests for titles and demarcation. The implementation of this project relies on a team of three persons: the Project Manager, the Project Associate and the Sworn Lands Surveyor.
The Project Manager is responsible for managing the project on a day to day basis with an aim of attaining quarterly and annual objectives. The responsibilities of the Project Manager include:
- Ensuring that annual targets are met in keeping with the approved Annual Work Plan
- Coordinating activities with all participating agencies
- Overseeing the implementation of the project in keeping with the approved annual budget
- Producing reports such as Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports, Updates on Project Implementation and Projection
- Producing field reports and final investigation reports
- Ensuring that the project doesn’t succumb to challenges such as delays in project implementation
The ALT Project Associate provides administrative support to the Project Manager in the following fields:
- Communication, organization and mobilization (including of logistics) for all activities, particularly on the field
- Procurement and processing of payments for all procurement done
- Financial reporting
- Creating communication tools such as brochures
- Liaising with the UNDP GRIF Projects Team for the day to day financial management of the department and activities
The ALT Sworn Lands Surveyor provides technical support and advice to the department and is mainly responsible for:
- Providing technical support during ALT investigations in the fields
- Producing technical reports inclusive of geographical data and maps
- Producing village profiles
- Procuring technical equipment to assist with demarcation
- Liaising with Senior Suppliers, in particular with the GLSC, to facilitate coordination and implementation of activities from a technical aspect
Together, the team strives to:
- Create the Annual Workplan and the budget
- Design activities that would benefit all beneficiaries of the Project
- Come up with innovative ideas for project implementation
- Face daily challenges which impact project implementation
- Provide full support to all beneficiaries who so request