Wowetta is located about 7 miles to the northeast of Annai central. The Makushi name is really Aweta ni pî which means “get soft”, but the ‘Non-Makushi’ mispronounced the name as Wowetta.

The first people to settle were the Payako who came from the South Pakaraima. They traded parrots, beads and earthen pots with the Arecunas who came from far off Roraima, receiving in exchange files, cutlasses and cloth. The Caribs came to hear of this trade and waged war on the Makushi payako. Out of envy, the Caribs killed all the men and took away the women. The few survivors had to flee, leaving the Caribs in possession of these lands. The Payako sought help from the Arecuna of Roraima, returning to do battle with the Caribs.

The residents of Wowetta are mostly involved in subsistence farming: cassava, bananas, sugar cane, watermelon etc.  Apart from the farming practices, the village is also engaged in farine processing that is being marketed locally and regionally.

NameWowetta Village
Village Satellite village of Annai
Area of Land
Name of Current Toshao (2012)Mark George
Name of Senior Councillor (Re-elected 2012)Mr. Bertie Xavier
Total Number of Councillors7
Number of CSO’s15
Total Population 319
Number of households59
1 st LanguageMakushi, Wapishiana and Portuguese
2 nd LanguageEnglish
ReligionChristian and Anglican
Means of communicationHF Radio (Wiskey Tango) 53:000
Means of Electricity Solar Power
Types of transportationBicycles motorcycle and bullock cart
Nearest Town or Village for marketing linkages Lethem, Central Rupununi
Soil TypeSandy, Partially Loamy, and lateritic
Major economic activitiesAgricultural activity, small scale logging and Ecotourism, Agro-processing, Hunting, Fishing, Joinery and Small Business
Name of Nursery SchoolWowetta Nursery School
Number of Nursery School Students21
Name of Primary SchoolWowetta Primary School
Number of Primary School Students64
Name of Secondary SchoolAnnai Secondary School
Number of Secondary School Students340
Type of Health FacilityHealth Post
Health PersonnelCommunity Health Worker (CHW)
Source of Water Supply Hand dug wells
Other Main BuildingsWowetta Community Centre, Head Teacher’s Quarter, Primary and Nursery School, Health Post, Women’s Centre
Other Infrastructure Village shop, Hot meal Kitchen, Joinery house and Wowetta Women’s Group Centre, Women group, Agro-Processing House.
Other Equipment Chainsaw, 2 computer, 2 generators, freezer, brush cutter, 1- 4 burner stove, 3 foot machine, cassava mill, 2 spray cans
List of Social Groups and ClubsWomen’s Group, Youth Environmental Club, Youth Group, Church groups, Malaria Council, PTFA, Secondary School Parent’s Committee (SSPC), SOSS