Vice President and Minister of Indigenous Peoples Affairs Sydney Allicock on Friday made a site visit to the multi-million dollar Hinterland Tertiary Student Dormitory in Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara.
Following an inspection of works completed, Minister Allicock said he is pleased with the progress made and remains optimistic that the August deadline will be met.
The Minister noted that the Ministry eagerly awaits its completion since tertiary students will be able to advance their education in a more conducive environment.
Minister Sydney Allicock during a site visit to the Hinterland Tertiary Dormitory.
The spanking state of the art dormitory which is being supervised by Kalitech Inc. and being constructed by BK International Inc. is almost seventy percent completed and according to Minster Allicock, this will ensure students from the hinterland have equal opportunity to the an education.
The facility once completed will have a capacity of 16 self-contained units, with each unit having four rooms to accommodate eight students each and the entire facility housing more than one hundred and twenty students attending tertiary institutions in Georgetown.
The facility will also have accommodation for two dormitory supervisor’s, a laundry area, kitchenette and multi-purpose area.
Over the past ten years, an estimated six hundred students have benefited from hinterland scholarships to attend a number of tertiary institutions in Georgetown among them E.R Burrows School of Art, the Guyana Technical Institute (GTI), Carnegie School of Home Economics, the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) and the Guyana Industrial Technical Center (GITC) both resident and non-resident.
 Minister Allicock during a site visit to the Hinterland Tertiary Dormitory, Liliendaal.