Minister of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Sydney Allicock recently visited the Liliendaal, E.C.D location where the Hinterland Tertiary Student Dormitory is being constructed.
Minister Allicock said he eagerly anticipates the completion of this project since it will provide “the accommodation for many many students who will be coming out from the hinterland to further their education and to build the standards of civil standards more so teachers, and other students and it is a critical drive for building this nation”.
The Minister also pointed out that “I am very happy to have this contract started which will make a contribution with regards to strengthening our work force and I am very happy to see the level of work so far from when we started it was a swamp and we had some delays…but we are off the ground and heading really good up towards completion. I am hoping that it will continue with the same trend and the engineer did agree that he will step up the workforce so that we can have better progress”.
The spanking new state of the art dormitory Hinterland Dormitory once completed will accommodate more than one hundred and twenty hinterland students attending tertiary institutions in Georgetown..
The new facility will boast male and female self-contained rooms, living quarters for a Dorm Mother and father, a unique water storage system and recreational area among other amenities.
Over the past ten years, an estimated six hundred students have benefited from hinterland scholarships to attend a number of tertiary institutions in Georgetown among them E.R Burrows School of Art, the Guyana Technical Institute (GTI), Carnegie School of Home Economics, the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) and the Guyana Industrial Technical Center (GITC) both resident and non-resident.
Building an educated nation remains a high priority for this government, thus the drive to ensuring youth particularly from the hinterland receive a well-rounded education.