“Continue to study, take your schooling seriously”, was the encouragement given by Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, Valerie Garrido-Lowe, to students attending the Essequibo Technical Institute (ETI), who live in the dormitory and are a predominantly indigenous population.
Minister Garrido-Lowe, during a recent visit to the Region, took the opportunity to interact with the students who are preparing to enter the world of work.
A section of the students during meeting with Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Valerie Garrido-Lowe.
The Minister highlighted that, “if you are not already mothers and fathers you will become so in time and you will have to be providers and teachers for your children. So if you don’t know how to earn money, if you don’t have the capacity, you are not equipped with the knowledge to earn, well then, you will have a hard time because how will you provide?”
Minister Garrido-Lowe, who has direct responsibility for youth, women, children and sport development, is working assiduously to ensure hinterland students access equal opportunities as students on the coastland.
She left the students full of enthusiasm knowing they can achieve their dreams through hard work and commitment.
The students received commendations from the Minister for their exemplary conduct based on reports from both dormitory mothers who noted that the students are dedicated and hardworking and as such is reflected in their grades at school.
Hinterland Scholarship students attending the Essequibo Technical Institute.
However, in discussion with Minister Garrido-Lowe the dorm mothers did indicate that they would like to see some changes made in terms of dietary (regular preparation of indigenous foods), additional accommodation for students, revisiting their remunerations packages and receiving urgent assistance from the Regional Administration to deal with a dilapidated building in close proximity of the dormitory. This building is posing a health hazard due to mosquitos in old tyres and constant floods. There is also the danger of zincs flying off the roof during high winds.
Minister Garrido-Lowe has promised to engage the relevant authorities in addressing these matters at the earliest opportunity.
Meanwhile, Lawrence Griffith, the Ministry’s Coordinator for Sport Development in the Hinterland, held a discussion with the students and emanating from that discussion they are eager to establish a sports club there which has a population of more than sixty students.
Mr. Griffith will be returning shortly to assist with the process and will also be conducting refereeing and coaching sessions.
The E.T.I which was established in 2000 by the Ministry of Education continues to provide that enabling environment where Technical and Educational innovativeness can be nurtured and allowed to grow making not only the region but Guyana as a whole, economically versatile.
The institute continues to stand by its Vision Statement in being the premier institute that will provide high quality products and services to all major stakeholders in an effort to foster growth and development in commerce and industry.
This vision also holds firm to the Regional Administration’s thrust to make a significant contribution to National development.