Youths from Upper Mazaruni District, Region Seven who are actively involved in the ongoing Hinterland Employment and Youth Service HEYS Program have indicated that they are grateful to be able to participate in this youth program since it is geared at creating that enabling environment where they can become self-sufficient.
A team from the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs which is currently in the district has journeyed to several villages monitoring closely the activities, the close to two hundred youths are being exposed to.
Among the villages visited so far are Paruima, Waramadong, Kamarang/Warwatta,Kako, Jawalla and Phillipai with scheduled visits to Chinoweing, Wax Creek, Imbaimadai and Amokokopai.
Rohan Bishop a master trainer and who currently serves as a monitor for coastal villages is tasked with ensuring facilitators in the district observe the programs’ lesson plan which covers the six month of class room work.
This phase follows a six-month practical aspect of the program where youths will be given an opportunity to perfect what they have learnt during their stint in a class room setting.
Meanwhile, parents, guardians, villagers and youths alike were also given the opportunity to learn more about the program thus removing any doubts from their minds, while also noting the opportunities that will be created for the youths of the first nations’ peoples.
Among the concerns raised by villages was the timely receipt of stipend for youths and facilitators and working materials which include sewing machines, carpentry tools and stoves among other items.
Bishop has since assured villagers that the incumbent administration has the best interest of the nation’s youths at heart, more so the indigenous youths and is working acidulously at ensuring there are no hiccups when it comes to the timely delivery of essential components which will determine the success of the program.
However, according to Bishop, information gathering to compile a data base for youths and facilitators is also a key factor for his visit to the region since the government has endeavoured to ensure transparency and accountability is achieved in all of its dealings and the HEYS Program is no exception.
Bishop has expressed gratitude to villagers for giving the youths their full support since without that support base, success cannot be achieved.
Moreover, Minister within the Ministry Valerie Garrido-Lowe who also has the responsibility for youth development has indicated that exposing youths to such a program can only be beneficial for their overall development.
Upon successfully completing the year’s curriculum, youths will be better prepared to assist in the transformation of their communities by initiating projects aimed at bringing about positive social, mental and financial benefits.
More than one thousand nine hundred youths countrywide will benefit from the HEYS Program.
Youths in Upper Mazaruni, Region 7 excited about the HEYS Program. A team from the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs and the Region 7 R.D.C recently visited the district