MOAA Kicks Off ADF-GRIF Scoping Mission And Business Development Trainings In 3 Regions
To support and facilitate a participatory community process that would result in the implementation of the chosen business ventures by the various villages and communities , the MoAA ADF-GRIF Projects Unit conducted Scoping Missions and Business Development Trainings in Regions 2 , 8 and 9 respectively in three separate visits....
New Education Bill would have addressed specific needs of communities-including hinterland – President
Georgetown, GINA, March 3, 2015 Among the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) Administration’s plan for the education sector is curriculum reform to meet the needs of different segments of the population, one of which is hinterlands students, and this was expected to have been addressed during the 10th Parliament, whose...
MOAA Conducts Land Titling Activities
January, 2015 In January, 2015, the ALT PMU discussed the proposed Annual Work Plan (AWP) during a Project Board Meeting held on the 12th, at the MoAA. The AWP was later reviewed and adjusted to fit the requirements of the UNDP ATLAS financial system, approved and signed on January 27th...
MoAA launches ADF-GRIF Project (Phase II)
The Amerindian Development Fund (ADF)-Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF) Project Management Unit of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs recently launched a series of inception seminars in various hinterland regions to mark the full implementation of the project (Phase II) following the pilot stage which commenced in 2013 covering 26 villages. With...